minggu ini minggu ke 11 belajar authoring system MPT1193 bersama Dr Zaidatun.
semakin lama, rasa semakin seronok...
kawan2 banyak membantu...
terima kasih kepada semua rakan-rakan seperjuangan.
minggu ini, kami sekali lagi di muatkan APPS 4 dlam android.
Sebelum meneruskan aktiviti APPS 4... kami membuat ulangkaji dan mengaplikasikan semua animasi yg telah dipelajari.
1. Pendulum.
2. Butterfly Lifecycle.
3. Animate cartoon
4. Agent Pollination.
1. Draw a pendulum
2. convert to symbol choose graphic3. Click right at frame 15, insert keyframe
5. between frame, right click ang click create motion tween.
6. Do the same at every keyframe.
4. reposition the pendulum at frame 15
Butterfly lifecycle.
1. Import image to the library.
- image egg
- image larva
- image pupa
- image butterfly
2. Click text tool and type egg.
3. Right click at frame 10
4. Drag the egg image to stage.
5. Trace image at trace bitmap.
5. Btween frame, click create shape tween. to change the text to picture.
6. Do the same at text and image larva, pupa and butterfly.
Animate Cartoon
1. Import image to library.
2. drag the image to stage.
3. click keyframe at frame 2.
4. drag again the bear image and using the free transform to rotate the image look like the bear walk.
5. copy frame 1 and 2.
6. paste it at next frame.
7. well done.
1. Import part of flower image.
2. drag to stage.
3. insert new layer and name it as bee
4. import bee image to library.
5. drag the bee to stage
6. using the guide motion to guide the bee go to one by one flower and to show the agent pollination process.
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