kami menyiapkan semua task berpandukan APPS4.
Task 1: Creating Main Menu
- Firstly, design the background and 3 buttons (Muka hadapan, Berita terkini, PKG Bandar)
- For each button, name it at Instance field in the properties. Ex: home button, name it as home.
- Same goes to other button.
- To create new page--> Click Window, go to other panel and go to scene.
- Click at the duplicate scene.
- Rename it as Scene 2.
- Put text at each page to differentiate between 'muka hadapan' page and 'berita terkini' page.
- Now, put stop command on button layer.
- Click on button layer, go to action and type stop();
- right click at frame 15, and insert frame. same goes to other layer.
- Do the same thing for scene 2.
- insert new layer at scene 2 and name it as news.
- insert new layer and name it as stop and tpye stop (); at actionscript
- right click at 'berita terkini' button and select action.type
on (release) {
gotoAndStop("Scene 2", 1);
- Back to scene 2, and right click at 'muka hadapan' button and select action.type
on (release) {
gotoAndStop("Scene 1", 1);
- Move from one scene to certain frame on scene itself.
- create latest news button at scene 2 (news page)
- click on frame 10 at news layer. click keyframe. Name it latest news on frame label.
- Insert information at the page.
- Click on the latest button, right click and press action and type
on (release){
gotoAndStop("Scene 2","latest");
- Now, Right click at the 'PKG Bandar' button-->action--> and type
on (realease){
getURL ("www.pkgpontian.com");
- Now, preview it. click control-->test movie. Well done.
Task 2: Multiple Choice Questions
- Firstly, name layer 1 as questions.
- Type the question and choose static text.
- Type the question.
- Insert new layer, name it as button.
- Create button using oval tool-->appropriate color.
- Put alphabet 'A' on top of the button.
- Convert to symbols and name the button as btnA
- Same goes at the another 3 button, which is btnB, btnC and btnD.
- Type the answer.
- Insert new layer and name it as response.
- click text and choose dynamic text and put on response as it variable.
- insert new layer and name it as action. Right click and press action. type,
var respon;
respon = " "
- The answer is B. Right click on btnB, and put the action script.
on (release) {
respon = "Congrats, Your answer is correct";
- Do the same for btnB, btnC and btnD. copy the actionscript and edit.
on (release) {
respon = "your answer is incorrect. Try again!";
- Now, preview it. click control-->test movie. Well done.
Task 3: Text Entry Questions
- Firstly, design the background.
- Name the layer as bground.
- Type the topic question on the top of background (static text type)
- insert a new layer and name it question.
- click the text tool, choose static text and type the question.
- Select on rectangel tool and create a box on stage.
- select a text tool, reposition it.
- select text again and choose dynamic text.
- Insert a new layer and name it as button.
- choose a play button on the library panel and drag it on the stage
- insert another layer and name it as stop.
- right click on the first keyframe and chooce action and type
var answer;
var respon'
answer = " "
respon = " "
- select button and type the action script.
on (release) {if (answer == "kuala lumpur") {respon = "Correct!";
}else {
respon = "Incorrect, Your answer "+ answer +" is wrong";
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {if (answer == "kuala lumpur") {respon = "Correct!";
}else {
respon = "Incorrect, Your answer "+ answer +" is wrong";
- Now, preview it. click control-->test movie. Well done.
Task 4: Drag and Drop
- Draw a tree and to boxes with different colours. red and green.
- Draw a cherries with 2 colours. red and green.
- Convert the symbol, choose the movie clip.
- Right click the red cherry and choose action and type,
on (press) {
startDrag(this, true);
on (release) {
- Do the same on green cherry.
- Now, preview it. click control-->test movie. Well done.
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