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Sunday, 23 December 2012


minggu ni merupakan  minggu ke 10 belajar di UTM.
minggu ni adalah minggu ke 2 belajar adobe flash.
makin lama makin seronok.
minggu ni kami di 'install' kan APPS 3.
kandungan APPS 3 ialah:
i)Type of Symbol
-Movie clip
ii)Types of Animation
-Motion tweening
-Shape tweening
-motion guide
-frame by frame.

(bouncing ball)
1. Draw circle in oval tool
2. Convert symbol to Graphic
3. Click keyframe ( insert-->timeline-->keyframe) at frame 10.
4. Changethe position of ball every frame.
5. click motion tween at between first and last frame.

text to object
1. Type text (adobe flash)
2. Click break apart at modify twice.
3. Right click at frame 25  and click insert keyframe.
4. At the frame 25, delete the text.
5. Draw a star shape.
6. Right click between frame and click create shape tween to change text to shape.
7. well done!

Guide ant move
1. Create brown box
2. Erase the path using the eraser tool.
3. create new layer and name it as ant
4. Insert the ant image
5. Click insert keyframe at frame 50.
6. Add tweening motion between the frame.
7. Add guide motion layer.
8. Well Done!

Animate cartoon mouth.
1. Draw a bear with close mouth. 
2. Insert key frame at frame 5.
3. Draw a bear with open mouth
4. Insert a keyframe at frame 10.
5. do the same at every count on 5 frame.
6. Well done!

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